Wall decorations and signs under the theme of Human and Citizen Rights – APEI- COYOLLES (02)
Osmoze is the narrator of the human values conveyed by APEI 2 valleys. A positive image but not only, a shared history and a common base. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the communication tool that places each being on the same scale. The designers have integrated this tool into the centre of the graphic concept.
The wall decorations support the functional signage of the building. Visitors are thus immersed in a visitor’s journey inspired by the greatest authors of epics such as Omer or Jules Verne.
Spontaneous tracings illustrating water, wind and ink link the graphic elements like the Human and Citizen’s Rights Declaration which links people together.
Website of the APEI 2 vallées: www.apei2vallees.fr
All our designs are entirely hand-drawn and then handcrafted in our French wall art workshop.
Our wall marking techniques allow us to invest all surfaces = painted wall, cladding, metal panel, concrete, ceiling.
A wall decoration or signage for your hospital, clinic? There is only one address in France…. www.osmoze.fr
For any project or preliminary project, we are at your disposal for a study. Architects, decorators, project managers.
Our magazine is free of charge and is at your disposal on request. Click here for more information.
We work all over France and abroad.
//Mural Art Workshop Osmoze //
Decor and wall decoration. Creation of a global concept of layout.
Concrete painting
Wall art and frescoes
Contemporary signage
3D signage
Olfactory signage
Augmented reality signage and design.
Commercial agency in Paris, Lille and Strasbourg :
15 rue des Remparts 67120 Molsheim (France)
Sales department +33 (0)3 69 14 81 14